
Making my journey through life, but taking you on my stops along the way!

Monday, September 19, 2011

No Rest for the Wicked.

The moving verdict. I'm moving back in with my parents to save some money. I really want to be out on my own, but I think right now, it is smarter for James and I to live with our parents, and save for a home of our own. So.. I've become minorly obsessed with redoing my room and re-furbing the furniture I have that has been in storage for several months, and making over my bedroom so it look more 'adulty' but also, this way we'll have things for when we move in together.

On Saturday, I had a whole list of To-Do, to do. I started out by running a few errands and the last stop on my list was to make a trip to the bank, and on my way I stumbled upon some lovely yard sales! Now, I love a good yard sale, and by love, I mean head over heels, L-O-V-E yard sales. Plenty of weird stuff you don't really need but for some reason want to buy, walking through the maze of tables on a front lawn, listening to the people try and barter with the host and the best part, getting great deals.

My yard sale experience was successful. I found a few pieces we can use for our centerpieces (details to come in a blog near you), but I also found a few real treats!

I got this baby for $10!!

and this was still in it's wrapping from Kohls, originally priced at $29.99, I got it for $3!!

So all I had to do was pack them in my car, and take them home!

So after I finished hitting the sales, I went to Home Depot got some paint and a bigger paintbrush, I touched up the paint on both items, and voila!!! I also threw a new coat of paint onto my bookcase from when I was a little kid (which desperately needed it).

and here's my after picture!!

Here is my cost breakdown:
Bookcase $0 (already had), normal cost $50
Paint (semi-gloss interior white) $11
Paintbrush $3
Mirror $10, normal cost $40
Frame $3, normal cost $30

So in total, I spent $27, when to buy it all brand new would have cost over $120, talk about Extreme Deal-finding!!!!

All in all, saturday was a successful errand day, with a few added bonuses. I'm really pumped about my new items, and ready to take the plunge to move back in with my parents.

SPOILER ALERT: I ALSO painted an initial coat on an upcoming project I'm still in the middle of working on. Hopefully I'll finish that sometime this week.
SPOILER, PART TWO: I made my plan on re-finishing a nightstand that used to be my mom's when she was a kid. Super fun and full of DIY flare!
SPOILER, PART THREE: Tonight (Monday) I spent an hour at Joann's Fabric for yet another project on my to-do list

So here are some lessons I learned this weekend:
TIP: Don't get snobby, and if there is something in particular you're looking for, check out your local Goodwill/Salvation Army/Yard Sales/etc. You can find great pieces, at awesome prices. Most of the time, the things just need a little love (and lysol) and you're good to go!
TIP: For more detailed items, use a smaller paint brush, but for big things (bookcases, bureaus, etc) splurge and save yourself (and your back) the pain!
TIP: Don't sell yourself short, you can do it! Just take your time and pay attention and you'll be able to re-fab (short for re-fabulous) anything! But also, you can do it on a limited budget!

Stay tuned, stay crafty and stay inspired!

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! I am always intimidated by yard sales but I might be brave after seeing your bargains!
