
Making my journey through life, but taking you on my stops along the way!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

MyMemories Software

Ahhhhh Sunday Morning.. laying in bed, with nothing on my agenda for the day, except to create. What a beautiful to do list to have!

What was your first Craft Project? A decorated picture frame? Re-finishing an old piece of furniture? I started out scrapbooking, the gateway craft which started my addiction for crafting. Have you tried it? Careful, it will consume you.

The only thing about scrapbooking, is it takes a lot of time and money. The supplies (pictures, stickers, papers, glue, etc) really add up, plus planning each page and the album in whole! This is why my scrapbooking has been put on the back burner, until now! I found My Memories scrapbooking software, and this is something really great! It's a digital software, where you can make as many albums as you like, decorate them however you want and share everything you make with your friends and family!!

Now, I love technology, but I am still old fashioned and don't like to do things online. So I was skeptical about how I would like the software, or how user friendly it is (cause I'm not very tech-savvy). I didn't need any directions, although I would have appreciated some information about all the features it has. The software is very open, so your creativity can flow through your fingers to the new albums you're making!

There are so many options so it's really versatile for any occasion you might be scrapbooking for! Grandma's birthday? Your niece's 1st birthday? Family trips to Bermuda? YES, YES, and YES! You can begin by choosing a template, or customize your own. You are able to add your own texts, embellishments, ribbons, and add the pictures you have on your computer, with out uploading or having to resize them! The best part, I think is, you can print each page you make, but also the software gives you margins to stay within so if you do print it, none of your creation will be cut off!

It's SO easy to use, and is really a great asset for scrapbookers everywhere.

Would you like to WIN a FREE copy of this software???????? If you fiddle around on www.mymemories.com, and comment below about your favorite background, or template, and comment on this blog post which one is your favorite, you'll be entered to win a FREE copy!!!!

I made an album to share the pictures from the day we got engaged!!

Want to buy a copy? Visit http://www.mymemories.com/digital_scrapbooking_software to buy your own, and use this code: STMMMS16888 to save money on your order!!!

I've already made three albums in 2hours, and I haven't had ANY coffee yet!! So get creative and get excited to win your own My Memories Software!!

1 comment:

  1. Love it :) I really like the whole vintage category, especially the garden template! Cool website!
